Going Green: A Beginner’s Guide

Green Beauty means different things to different people. To me, green beauty is about finding balance between using natural and synthetic ingredients to provide the most effective results. It is also about doing my best to help support small businesses (especially women and BIPOC-owned businesses!) that are transparent about their ethics and their impact on the environment. I try my best to follow the “science” when it comes to skincare, but unfortunately, a lot of that info is limited or not easy to understand for the average consumer. Also, context is super important when it comes to understanding clinical trial results and findings.

Additionally, just because a product doesn’t work for you does not objectively mean the product itself is a “dud”, which is why research from a wide variety of resources is so important. Remember that there is no “one size fits all” approach to green beauty. Do your research and determine what best fits your current budget and lifestyle. Aim for progress, not perfection. And don’t forget to have fun with your skincare routine! 

The Eco Well Podcast is a podcast rooted in cosmetic science and seeks to “help make accurate information about cosmetics and sustainability in beauty, more accessible to everyone.” I think this is such a great resource to balance out all the traditional green beauty marketing claims that may be misleading or simply not true based on scientific evidence or lack thereof. I think they present a valid criticism of the green beauty space, which can often contain fear-mongering information in its marketing. They also serve as a reminder to be critical about where you get your information from because there are limitations to a beauty influencer’s review when it comes to understanding the complexities of cosmetic chemistry and formulation.

Also, check out: Stark Skincare | Fear-Mongering, Science and Green Beauty to learn how science is used to exacerbate fear-mongering in Green Beauty and what we should listen to for advice instead.

Click here to follow my journey as I switch to cruelty-free beauty products.

A few of my favorite green beauty/ cruelty-free beauty blogs:

*Note: These are great resources for researching if a product is vegan and/or cruelty-free.

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